Green Imaging Hosts Josh Archambault at Houston FMMA Event 2024

Join Cristin Dickerson, MD, as she hosts, Josh Archambault, Senior Fellow, at the Cicero Institute, in a discussion about Texas House Bill 2002, changes in the healthcare market, and what shifts we will see in health plan participation in this month's virtual Free Market Medical Association Houston meeting on February 12, 2024, at 11 am CST.
New state laws in Tennessee (EFF: 7/1/2023) and Texas (EFF: 9/1/2023) now provide insured Americans on individual, small business plans the option to save money when they pay cash for more affordable services, while still getting deductible credit. - Forbes Article by Josh Archambault
If you are an employer, TPA, benefits consultant, provider, or whether you are a Texan or not and looking to understand how House Bill 2002 will change the face of healthcare in Texas we encourage you to attend.
If you would like to attend, please register at
What is Texas House Bill 2002?
Sec. 1301.140. OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSE CREDIT. (a) An insurer shall credit toward an insured's deductible and annual maximum out-of-pocket expenses an amount the insured pays directly to any physician or health care provider for a medically necessary covered medical or health care service or supply if a claim for the service or supply is not submitted to the insurer and the amount paid by the insured to the physician or health care provider is less than the average discounted rate for the service or supply paid to an equivalently licensed or authorized preferred provider under the insured's preferred provider benefit plan.