Understanding Texas House Bill 2002: A Game-Changer for Healthcare Consumers

The Houston Chapter of the Free Market Medical Association hosted Josh Archambault of Cicero Institute on a webinar this week to discuss Texas House Bill 2002, which went into effect in September. This bill allows Texans on ACA PPOs who have not yet met their deductible to self-pay for medical care that is less expensive than the average cost of the same exam in-network and have it apply to their deductible. It can also empower small and large group employer health plans to use these plans as catastrophic coverage and allow first-dollar coverage for more affordable direct contract health care. A similar bill is in effect in Tennessee and there are efforts in place to spread this movement nationally.
Green Imaging is developing a patient-facing script to educate Texans about this new option and Cicero Institute and the Texas Public Policy Foundation representatives will review this before we disseminate it to our chapter and beyond.
Click here to access the recording of the webinar.